mountains and a massive river in the mist

You are a prana being.

Meet Your Self

Prani - [sanskrit] - of prana

Vedic term for human being.


[sanskrit] - breath, life force, energy, spirit.

All that we experience through the senses and the mind is energy. This was discovered by yogis more than 15,000 years ago and has most recently been validated by quantum physics. Prana reveals the cosmic, innate, primal intelligence of existence through its dynamic, self-balancing interplay of opposites called polarity. Polarity is the basis for the function of the body, as well as for all experiential phenomena.

Being is awareness, consciousness, witnessing presence, soul, the part of you that simply IS. In Yogic and Ayurvedic understanding, Being represents the fundamental unity that is the origin and destination, alpha and omega, the background or the container within which energy arises, changes, and resolves back to its Source. 

Being is not something you believe; it's who you are.

The body and mind are extensions of Being, just as a wave is an extension or expression of the ocean. This means you are more than your body and mind. You have the potential to experience yourself not just as who you think you are (roles you take on, skills you cultivate, possessions you've acquired/lost, or what has happened in the course of your life journey), but as an individual expression of the greater whole. You have the capacity to sense and feel—to directly experience and embody—the depth and vastness of Being, no matter where you are or what you are doing.

“We have an animal body, a human mind, and a divine potential. Through choice, humans can function in harmony with the laws of nature, go against them, or go beyond them. ”

Gurudev Shri Amritji

We are born with a deep craving to invoke and express Being. To consciously recognize this core desire is uncommon; to courageously embrace and pursue it is rare, and to fully realize it is one among millions. Most of us play out our journey through time and space inhibited by self-limiting concepts, traumatized by past wounds, distracted by fearful thoughts, or caught in the inertia of self-sabotaging behaviors. The fundamental disconnect from awareness of ourselves as inseparable expressions of the whole of life is the root of fear, dependency, violence, disease, and all suffering.

It’s time to wake up.

At this stage, our evolution requires conscious participation.

Yogic and Ayurvedic teachings articulate brilliantly how and why this suffering comes about and how we can (and must) transcend this condition in order to realize our next level of growth and development. 

Right now, you stand at the threshold of the most magnificent opportunity:

to wake up to the power of your own Self and actualize it through life expression. This has much less to do with controlling your external circumstances than you might think…although your external circumstances are bound to be influenced by your shift in consciousness. It has more to do with learning about yourself, the various aspects of your being, how they interrelate, and how the "you" that functions in the world can become the instrument of the Self that you are, which is the very Source of Love, wisdom, and peace.

PranaBeing is living in flow.

PranaBeing is a state of awakened consciousness in which you experience your Self as a witnessing presence and your body-mind as a vehicle of experience and expression - alive and connected.

You may have experienced pranaBeing during a moment of ecstasy or intensity in your life, when your mind was overwhelmed, deeply focused, or deeply relaxed. You lost track of time. You lost track of yourself. You merged into the experience of the moment. People call this state "the zone" or "flow," and find it in so-called "peak experiences," where the utmost physical and mental capacities of human potential are revealed. The truth is, these glimpses are only scratching the surface of what we are capable of embodying.

You can learn to enter flow at will.

Rather than trying to make everything happen in life, it is possible to know and feel yourself as an unfolding expression of life itself. In this state, you transcend the limited perceptions of your individual personality and access impersonal witnessing presence, which reveals the process of life as it's happening through you, right now. This paradoxical experience of integration-in-action (termed Meditation in Motion by Gurudev Shri Amritji) shatters all ideals and preconceived notions, carrying you into a moment-by-moment, spontaneous, and deeply fulfilling experience of life.

PranaBeing is dynamic integration, where there is effort without struggle, action without conflict and authentic experience without analysis, interpretation, or justification. Beyond the struggle of doing and achieving, you discover the grace and power of presence. In Presence, you meet your Self. By realizing the truth of who you are through repeatable experience, you can begin to live in flow. 

The experience of these teachings brings liberation from unconscious compulsions and self-caused suffering.

It is possible to directly connect with and live from the power of Presence by consciously connecting with life energy as experienced through sensation in your body. Although "spirit" and "soul" are familiar concepts, a systematic approach for the direct experience of spirit and soul, beyond belief or conjecture, is not widely known. By living from Being, in harmony with the flow of life, you can transcend the limitations of body and mind and access capacities you don't even know you have. You can access your full potential to heal, to create, to serve, to love, and to be at peace with yourself as you are and the world as it is.

Don't lose another moment to habit, doubt or fear. Learn to embody your Self now.