Priti Chanda Klco

Who am I?

Dear Fellow Traveler,

Greetings from my heart to yours. Thank you for coming to visit, and for being curious about me and PranaBeing. Here is a bit about my journey and what I bring to the world.

I am native to the Colorado mountains. As long as I can remember I have been surrounded by and drawn into the magic, wildness, and beauty of the real world. That is, the world of the Great Elements, in contrast to the mind-made world that humans live in.

Nature remains my first guru and foremost Teacher.

She is the Mother of all, the living demonstration of truth principles that underlie all systems of knowledge, from indigenous wisdom around the world to ancient Eastern science and mysticism as well as more recent Western science.

Chanda skis Monarch Ridge on the Great Divide near Salida, Colorado
Priti Chanda Klco at her childhood home in the Colorado mountains
child's pose in the Utah desert

My Credo

I choose to see this time of great change on our planet as a wake-up call and opportunity to regain awareness and set a new course toward living in harmony.

Whenever we as individuals can wake up out of conflict and shift into co-creative interaction, we bring harmony to what is present.

When we are balanced, we bring balance. When we respond rather than react, we create solutions instead of problems.

The individual, moment-by-moment practice of integration is how we bring peace into the world. Communing with and learning from Nature, exploring and understanding our own individual nature, and empowering ourselves with knowledge of the true character of health and what supports health—these pursuits bring harmony and restore life to our bodies and minds. As we embody the vibrancy of PranaBeing we empower ourselves to effortlessly be of service. We bring peace and prosperity to our families, communities, and our Earth. In this way, peace and health begin right now, with you and with me.

Now is our time to awaken.

Priti Chanda laughs with joy at TONIC Healing Arts
Jagged Mountain, deep in the Weminuche Wilderness, Colorado
a full moon offering of roses and water

My Dream

Since childhood I have held the dream in my heart of a magical world that beckons us to explore, a world where we harbor respect for wildness (including our own) and reverence for the movements of life—sunrise, sunset, the moon’s cycles, the seasons, our circadian rhythms and the seasons of our lives. In this world, we use our special powers—our technology, our ability to communicate, experience, invoke, intuit, and create.

In this vision, we contribute to an existence in which all life is sacred and that which is most valuable is abundantly accessible to all.

In this vision, humankind elevates the expressions of Nature rather than denigrating Her and one another. We live to grow, explore, and play. Our work is the stewardship of life and the expression of our souls’ purpose. In this vision, we know ourselves to be part of something much more vast; a cell in the body of the universe. We are never alone; we are All One…and yet, free to be authentically who we are.

Yatha pinde tatha brahmande [as is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm; as above so below]. - Yajurveda

We still have pain and loss. We still strive and encounter the unknown. We don’t control everything. We don’t always feel good or safe. But we stop creating suffering for ourselves and one another. We cut the ties of addiction and fear that bind us to blind acts of violence. We shatter the nightmarish fantasy of control that keeps us suffocating in deceit. We throw off weighty toxic habits that poison our bodies and minds as they poison our Earth, our water, air and food.

We grow up into the real humans we are meant to be: awake, resilient, co-creative, playful, vibrant, conscious PranaBeings.

Chanda connects to heart and belly with gratitude
magical delphinium
a mandala drawn with chalk for healing and protection

I believe this vision is possible for two reasons:

  1. In every transformation I’ve witnessed within myself and in others, I see us move towards this “higher” version of ourselves spontaneously.

    Life serves that which is life-affirming. Only ignorance perpetuates suffering. The moment ignorance is dispelled, we effortlessly function more in alignment with the whole, just as the dawn of light dispels darkness.

  2. My heart does not cease to call for it. Every desire must be fulfilled, either through spontaneous resolution or manifestation; this is universal law.

The Gift of Ancient Knowledge

The sacred, timeless teachings of Yoga and Ayurveda are among the greatest gifts available to humanity. The purpose of Yoga is nothing less than to know who we truly are and to realize it so fully that it becomes our worldly experience. This gift of Yoga was given to me with utmost loving care by my teachers, each of them lifelong, dedicated seekers and practitioners. Receiving this gift is a path of continuously unfolding Self-discovery, healing, and service. As the true power of Yoga is progressively revealed to me through practice, my heart opens in gratitude. My mind opens in wonder. I become more available to be present to what is, to allow life's mysteries to reveal themselves.

I am inspired to engage in a way of living that is about ultimate empowerment: eliminating all self-caused suffering. The possibility of mastering our suffering emerges as we awaken to who we truly are. Far more than what we’ve done, what we have, or what has happened in our lives, we are Nature itself.

We are energy; we are consciousness; we are PranaBeings.

PranaBeing is not contrived or achieved. Instead, it is about the moment-by-moment return to who we are. The beauty of the yogic path is that we do not have to be perfect, ever. We need only to be willing to be aware, right where we are. Our birthright and potential as human beings is to return to connection with Source and be the creators of peace and harmony. This potential remains at our core, no matter how far from Source we may stray. We were born with a heart full of callings to explore, experience, give, and grow. Walking the path of our heart’s calling is the adventure of our lives. It can lead to liberation.

My commitment is to awaken myself fully to my co-creative potential, and to live as a PranaBeing. My life’s work is to make my whole life a practice of integration.

My intention is that this website and the resources offered here serve anyone with sincere desire to awaken the knowledge of Self and optimize health, vitality, peace, harmony, and wisdom through practice and response-ability. Let us become who we came here to be!

Priti and Gurudev at the Amrit Yoga Institute circa 2014
diya, a ghee lamp, symbolizes intention and the light of consciousness

My Work

Yoga and Ayurveda are fascinating systems which can be applied as science and practiced as art. Western science is just beginning to develop instrumentation sensitive enough to measure many phenomena described in detail in yogic texts. It delights me to see that Western science is validating the effectiveness and clarifying the application of yogic and Ayurvedic principles and practices.

Yet science has yet to integrate into mainstream practice its most recent findings in regard to the nature of reality, time, space, and mind. We are now at time when it has become essential for us to adjust our mechanistic paradigm and return to the knowing of unity consciousness, to acknowledge the source of healing and the innate presence of well-being.

Through education and facilitation, my work supports individuals in all walks of life to cultivate healing, integration, and Self-realization. The tools we use are simple and proven (10,000+ years’ old systems). Practice takes you beyond conceptual understanding into experientially evidenced knowing. The work is a process we co-create. It is focused on revealing the root of our suffering, recognizing our true nature and how it shows up at all levels, and removing the blocks to innate health, strength, peace, and contentment. Through this elegant, profoundly transformative approach, we discover that we can harness the changing experiences and challenges of life toward ever-deepening levels of integration.

The knowledge streams of Yoga, Ayurveda, and other indigenous wisdom traditions have survived tumultuous generations of human tribulation for thousands of years. There is a reason why: they are true. Truth is reality. Truth prevails. What is true is true, regardless of belief or acknowledgement. In fact, it is the one who refuses to align with truth who suffers; truth itself remains. Like anything that is touched by humans, within these systems it is necessary for the practitioner to diligently sort and separate the chaff of dogma from the grain of truth. This is why I encourage experimentation over belief - apply the tools and teachings in practice and find out for yourself how it works. I am here to support you; I am also practicing and learning. Take what serves you and leave the rest. Along the way, we are provided what we need.

Applied skillfully to the present, the ancient ways open relevant paths for engaging with life that feels like how humans were meant to live: as humble, sentient stewards, in awe of the magnificence of life. As I continue to learn the principles espoused in these traditions and experiment with them for myself, I continue to be inspired to go deeper. I seek to realize, to tend, and to share that which brings illumination, like a flame that is passed from one candle to the next, until our whole world is alight.

Asatoma sada gamaya [lead me from unreal to real]

Tamasoma jyotir gamaya [lead me from darkness to light]

Mrtyorma amritam gamaya [lead me from time-bound consciousness/death to timeless being/immortality].

- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

I am grateful that you are here. Explore. Enjoy. Join me in discovering the PranaBeing that you are. Make your contribution to this world by living empowered, centered in your unlimited Source, acting in service of your heart's deepest wish!

Again, I greet you from the heart, from the seat of vitality and life. At the deepest level, we are not separate. You truly are my Self (Namaste).

Jai Bhagwan (Victory to the indwelling spirit)! 

begin with the feet - Thai Yoga Therapy and marma chikitsa
Magic of sunrise on Sunlight Lake, Weminuche Wilderness
turtle guardian of the sweatlodge, Pisac, Sacred Valley, Peru

Credentials & Training Details

Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor
  • BA Romance Languages and International Affairs, Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa through Colorado College

Additional Sources of Inspiration/Adjunct Passions

  • Bikepacking and long-distance bike touring

  • Backpacking and long-distance hiking

  • Desert river canyoneering and rafting

  • Backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering

  • Dance - primarily ecstatic dance, movement meditation, improvisation and contact improvisation, 5 Rhythms; secondarily Indian classical dance, belly dance, modern dance including Graham, Cunningham, and Limon technique among others, and ballet

  • Food as medicine

  • Regenerative health paradigms

  • Functional medicine paradigms

  • Healing properties of plants, herbs, and essential oils

  • Flower elixirs and flower essences

  • Qigong

  • Chanting, mantra, drumming, and healing songs

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy

  • Focusing

  • Somatic approaches to psychotherapy

  • Yamuna Body Rolling

  • Cranial sacral therapy

  • Reiki and Polarity Therapy

  • Shamanic journeying

  • Semi-precious stones and crystals

  • Womens’ wisdom