“I can’t thank you enough for the yoga nidra! I have never relaxed so deeply. It is a very stressful time for me right now and the yoga nidra is a lifesaver. Your voice is exquisite...so deeply caring. Thanks again and again.”
“I’m so very, very grateful that my path led me to you...Today’s revolutionary breakdown has cleared some serious cobwebs out! For this gift of healing I will remember to always cherish. More to come!”
“Chanda’s words are used carefully, deliberately, rhythmically. They are focused, centered and purposeful. Pranayama class has had a great impact on the way I observe and choose to live my life. Moving my priorities and direction in life to a bigger, universal purpose. Every person needs this class.”
““I have been to a couple of other classes but nothing compares to your teaching methodology. See you next week!””
“Class was so great tonight on so many levels. I also had this huge awareness about living in the present this weekend. Instead of worrying or imagining what someone might do if I do X, I could just be in the present, honor my feelings and allow that person to do whatever they choose to do. My future plans/expectations are not always/ever right anyway! It is amazing to me how this yoga is exactly where I am in my life. See you next week!!”
“Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! Loving pranayama and Amrit Methods...I’m really finding depth and calmness that I wouldn’t have without it. ”
“That was a great session, almost out-of-body, and your discussion of the layers of ourselves and their correspondence to the layers of existence was truly inspired. I really look forward to these classes.”
“I learned how to come back to my core when faced with conflict and stress. ”
“After our session, I could feel many changes within my body, i.e. less thirst, sleep was amazing, and my whole body was able to relax to a very deep level. What powerful work and thoughtful care. Thank you so much.”
“I have made my life challenging with these new responsibilities. But that also makes the class all the more valuable. It has truly helped me deal with the array of issues/personalities that cross my path. Know that you are making a real difference!”
“Thank you Chanda. I slept deeply with your yoga nidra. Hooray!!”
“I just have to tell you that I cannot remember ever feeling as fine and blissful as I did today after my Thai Yoga session...and believe me, I’ve tried many many different paths to bliss!”
“Thank you for giving structure to my practice. It is truly a gift for life. I try and do it daily and I can see the changes in my body quickly. Thank you for all the guidance and information to explore.”
“I want to express my deep appreciation for your insight into wellness that you have shared with me. ”
“Thanks so much for an amazing experience! I have continued to work from the feedback you sent me regarding my intention. Those focus words nailed it. I really enjoyed the class, and I absolutely love your teaching style. I practically filled a whole journal!”
“You are a great force in some local lives, helping us focus in and develop more of ourselves. Thanks for your dedication and spirit. It makes a difference!”
“I loved today - can’t thank you enough - I’m glowing!”
“I just wanted to thank you for the daily practice sheet. I felt so good after doing it both days and grateful to be really moving my body again. We don’t realize how guarded we become when we have injuries and how we quit moving in so many other areas. ”
“I feel much more grounded in each present moment; I am more able to observe my reactions - as just that.”
“Loving pranayama and Amrit Methods...I’m finding depth and calmness that I wouldn’t have without it. Breathing in the morning is really having an impact through the day with witnessing and letting go. I have more energy in the morning and throughout the day. I have also had a few things I have suppressed over many years come up, and instead of pushing them back down, I have been breathing into them and learning to let go. It really is simple medicine. It’s relieving/relaxing to know I can let go of those thoughts that aren’t me and just witness life energy instead. ”
“My experience with Amrit Body Psychology has been an awakening. You have provided a calm and thoughtful place for self discovery. I wish I had found [sooner] as it might have saved years of pushing through the pain! Amrit is helping me pay attention to the small movements, the stresses, the felt senses, my edge. I really liked what you said in the last class about our bodies being a point of contact with life. This rang true for me and it somehow pulled the whole series together in just that one phrase. Your explanation of Amrit philosophy is crystal clear. It is an extension of my own spiritual path and I look forward to learning more. You were prepared and organized and I felt as though you had the attention of the class at all times. I love when you interject humor, as we cannot take it all so seriously. I find myself paying more attention to what causes me stress and where I feel it. Observation of self-talk and observation of others. Acute awareness of acceptance (or rejection) of my body’s limitations. All in all, I have been been able to slow down enough to see the details of what is going on! ”
“I just finished your recording. One word: wow. I haven’t practiced in months and I can’t believe how easily I dropped in.”
“I came to your Intro to Yoga class because my back has continued to bother me whenever I do lots of skiing or exercise. I had pulled muscles or spasms that immobilized me for three-four days twice in the last few months. When I came to you, I had been having almost continuous back or hip pain for a few weeks. Even though we only did poses for 1/2 hour, I walked out of there feeling better than I had in weeks with zero pain. The complete relief continued for another day or two but [the pain] now has slowly returned. I have tried the poses several times this week and they continue to make a major difference for me.”
“Thank you again for sharing your knowledge. Your commitment to teaching is obvious. It was nourishing, inspiring and thought-provoking. In other words, I can’t get enough of this stuff and I truly appreciate you!”
“Thanks for the continued insight into witnessing. Today was really hard. I had a headache before coming into class and felt super intense, but afterwards its like I am a whole new person. Thank you for reminding/teaching me how to be calm and witness energy. I like yoga a lot and am happy to have found a wonderful teacher! Because it makes a big difference :)”
“Thank you for your teachings. We had to go before the [Board] again last night to protest...I was very nervous about speaking, but remembered your teachings to be OK with how I was feeling and to present myself in a way that is consistent with the person I want to be. I did really well and was so pleased with how I handled myself. Thank you for giving me the tools to handle this situation. The outcome was not what I wanted. We are going to appeal and I will continue to use the tools to help handle the situation as respectfully and graciously as I can. I am so grateful. Thank you!”
“What a difference in my attitude. I credit your teaching for allowing me to take things step by step, without anger and blame. I have thought about this for a couple days and wanted you to know: YOU are making a difference. YOU are creating change. Namaste.”
“R. got me the yoga nidra when I broke my leg and it has been so helpful teaching me, reminding me of how to relax. The body heals so much better from a relaxed state. Thank you for making [these downloads] so your teachings, sharings are available to us at all times.”
“The Yoga Therapy class has been a truly healing experience for me.”