Health Building for Spring

 Up-Level Your Health this Spring

Harness the seasonal transition to shift your diet and daily routine in harmony with the elements

activate your energy with time-efficient, potent practices

Experience the power of sadhana - deliberate practice. We’ll explore a specific set of practices to support the transition into Spring, including how to modify for your health needs. These are tools you can use for the rest of your life!

  • A series of easy movements from Yoga and Qi Gong to activate and strengthen your whole body

  • A powerful pranayama (breathing) and movement practice taught to me directly by Gurudev Shri Amritji. This practice opens the lungs and heart and energizes your whole system, preparing you for deeper energetic connection to life and to yourself.

  • Two Yogic kriyas (cleansing actions) to tonify and balance the organs of digestion and elimination

  • A practice to tone the nervous system and release stress, making you more resilient

    Committing to do a specific practice for a set period of time yields results! Invest in yourself and reap the benefits this spring.

    learn how to harness the changing season with ayurvedic daily routine

    This program includes three classes:

  • Syncing Your Daily Routine with the Season: dinacharya (daily routine) for Spring

  • Celebrating the equinox: rituals for attuning to balance

  • Closing circle and recommendations for further study

    Each session will be livestreamed and recorded, uploaded to your PranaBeing portal for viewing at your convenience.

+ Realize your commitment to yourself with the support of community

Company is stronger than willpower. - Gurudev Shri Amritji

During the seasonal transition you’ll have access to a private group where you can access the classes, share experiences, ask questions, receive guidance from Priti and tap the wisdom of the community.

Program details

March 12 - 26

Sadhana runs daily (first session live; following sessions on-demand)

March 12th - Livestream Session 7am - 8:30am MDT - Guided Practices for Spring and Teachings: Syncing Your Daily Routine with the Season

March 18th - Livestream Session 7am - 8am MDT - Equinox Ritual Preparation and Instructions

March 26 7am - 8am MDT - Closing Circle, Q&A, Recommendations for Further Study and Practice

Your registration includes access to the PranaBeing portal with guided practices, recipes and recommended resources, as well as the ability to share and ask questions.